"When she treats me like an option, help her narrow her choices, by removing myself from the equation. It is that simple."
"If I spend too long holding on to the one, who treats me like an option, I will miss the one, who treats me like a priority."
"If she treat me like an option, I will leave her, like a choice."
"I never know, how strong I am, until being strong is the only choice, I have."
"If 'Plan A' did not work. The alphabet has 25 more letters! stay cool."
"There is no one busy in this world, it is always about priorities. I will always find time for the things, I feel important."
"I do not give up my pain easily; I fight for, what I want. It takes a lot for me, to actually give up, on something or someone. I can not just throw away all my pains, which are I am getting, and time I put into it. I can not just give up, or leave injustices, because times are hard, especially, if she means so much to me. I keep fighting for, what I want, until I can not fight anymore, until giving up is only option left.
"I do not even feel like a 'friend' to her. I feel more like an option, or someone she run to, when she need me. Nothing more, but maybe less."
“Decision is a sharp knife, that cuts clean and straight; indecision, a dull one, that hacks, and tears, and leaves ragged edges behind it.”
“Every decision I make, reflects your evaluation of, who I am.”
"Decision making is easy, when our values are clear.”
“Some of our important choices have a time line. If I delay a decision, the vision & Goals are gone forever. Sometimes our doubts keep us from making a choice, that involves change. Thus an opportunity may be missed.”
“Life is about choices. Some I regret, some I am proud of. Some will haunt us forever. The message: I am what, I chose to be.”
“Life is filled with difficult decisions, and winners are those, who will reach the goals & fulfil the vision.”
“Shelving hard decisions is the least ethical course.”
“My legacy is being written, in form of imaginative story of own, by myself. Making the right decisions, by opening up Infront of whole world. I am having courage, to speak truth and to ask questions, instead of concerning about own consequences. Whatever reasons, Inside earth planet, Why all peoples of all countries of whole world are listening, as well as Outside earth planet are listening. Till now, I did not get answer. Whenever, I will get answer, then I will sit silence. Behind scenes, definitely something. Who? Where? Why? How? What? I need to save my country, and other countries from invisible voices.”