Types of Radiation.
Radiation is often categorized into two types depending on the energy of the radiated particles.
Ionizing Radiation.
Non-ionizing Radiation.
Ionizing Radiation.
Ionizing radiation carries more than 10 eV, which is enough to ionize atoms and molecules and break chemical bonds.
The ionizing radiation consists of alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays.
Ionizing radiation is a type of energy released by atoms, that travels in the form of electromagnetic waves, (gamma or X-rays), or particles, (neutrons, beta or alpha).
Ionizing radiation can remove electrons from the atoms, that is, they can ionize atoms.
In terms of natural radiation sources, there are more than 60 different naturally occurring radioactive materials, present in the environment, with radon gas being the highest contributor, to people’s exposure.
Artificial radiation sources are used, for nuclear power generation, and many other industrial, and research applications, with the medical use of ionizing radiation being today the highest contributor to people’s exposure.
Example: diagnostic radiology, image-guided interventions, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy.
Non-ionizing Radiation.
Ionization is not caused by these radiations.
They usually emit heat, which can sometimes be so intense as to result in burns.
Visible light and infrared radiation are examples of non-ionizing radiation that may be seen by humans.
Non-ionizing radiation is radiation, in the part of the electromagnetic spectrum, where there is insufficient energy to cause ionization.
It includes electric, and magnetic fields, radio waves, microwaves, and optical radiation, which consists of infrared, visible, and ultraviolet radiation.
Non-ionizing radiation encompasses, both natural, and human-made sources of electromagnetic fields.
Electrical power supplies, and appliances are the most common sources of, low frequency electric, and magnetic fields in our living environment.
Everyday sources of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, include telecommunications, broadcasting antennas, and microwave ovens.
Optical radiation technologies, such as lasers, light bulbs and UV lamps, are used in industry, research and medicine.
Non-ionizing radiation also encompasses, mechanical waves, such as infrasound, and ultrasound.
Nuclear Radiation.
Nuclear radiation is an energy, that is released by elementary particles of the atomic nucleus, that are caused by the process of nuclear decay.
According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, nuclear radiation can cause consequences to nature, human life and facility significantly.
However, nuclear radiation could be both beneficial, or harmful, depending upon its utilization.
Types of Nuclear Radiation.
There are three types of nuclear radiation emitted, from radioactive atoms:
Alpha Radiation.
Beta Radiation.
Gamma Radiation.
Alpha Radiation:
Alpha radiation is a heavy, and very short-range particle.
It is actually, an ejected helium nucleus.
Alpha radiation is another name, for the alpha particles emitted, in the type of radioactive decay, called alpha decay.
Alpha particles are helium-4,. (4He), nuclei.
Beta Radiation:
These are classified, into two categories:
Beta-minus (β−), and Beta-plus (β+).
The Beta-minus radiation consists of an energetic electron.
It is more penetrating, than alpha radiation, but less than gamma.
While, the Beta-plus radiation is the emission of positrons, which are the antimatter form of electrons.
Gamma Radiation:
The Gamma rays, or Gamma radiation consists of photons, with a wavelength less than 3 X 10−11metres.
The emission is a nuclear process, that occurs to rid, an unstable nucleus of excess energy, after most nuclear reactions.
X-Ray Radiation:
It is a form of electromagnetic radiation.
The x-rays are powerful waves of electromagnetic energy.
Most X-rays have a wavelength, ranging from 0.01 to 10 nanometres, corresponding to frequencies, in the range 30 petahertz to 30 exahertz, and energies, in the range 100 eV, (electronvolt), to 100 keV, (kiloelectronvolt).
Radiation Pressure.
It is the pressure exerted by the electromagnetic radiation on the surface.
It is defined as the mechanical pressure applied upon any surface due to the exchange of momentum between the object and the electromagnetic field.
Radiation pressure on any surface depends on the nature of the surface and intensity of light used.
Radiation Pressure is given by the formula,
PR = (1 + α)I / c
where α is the coefficient of reflection of the surface.
For a completely reflecting surface, α = 1.
For a completely reflecting surface, α = 0.
The radiation pressure is independent, of the wavelength of incident light, and depends on the nature of the surface, on which light falls.
Any apparatus, that either emits, or receives radiations, has a directional characteristic, or radiation pattern, and the determination of these patterns, is a routine procedure in radio, and acoustical work.
If the device is to receive radiation, the directional characteristic expresses, its sensitivity to radiation, coming from various directions in space.
If the device is to emit radiation, the directional characteristic expresses, the power radiated in various directions.
In both cases the sensitivity and power.
Is radiation can travel in the universe or Space or outside planet Earth?.
Yes, radiation can travel in in the universe or Space or outside planet Earth.
It travels, in the form of electromagnetic waves, which do not require a medium, (air or water or sold), to propagate.
This is why, we can receive light, from the sun and other stars, despite the vacuum of space.
Cosmic radiation, is one of the greatest dangers, for people travelling into space.
Cosmic ray particles are charged particles, that are highly energetic.
They are a form of ionizing radiation.
This type of radiation is dangerous, to people and machines in space.
does human body have radiation?.
Yes, all objects, including human bodies, emit electromagnetic radiation.
The wavelength of radiation emitted, depends on the temperature of the objects.
Such radiation is sometimes called, thermal radiation.
Most of the radiation emitted, by human body is in the infrared region, mainly at the wavelength of 12 micron.
Does the human body emit radiation?.
Our body itself, also emits infrared radiation, (and even some radio waves), because it is warm.
While infrared light, and radio waves are converted to heat, electromagnetic fields, with (extremely) low frequency, produce an electric current in the body.
Are our bodies naturally radioactive?.
Yes, our bodies are naturally radioactive, because we eat, drink, and breathe radioactive substances, that are naturally present in the environment.
These substances are absorbed, by our bodies, into our tissues, organs, and bones, and are constantly replenished, by ingestion and inhalation.
From the radionuclides, that are present in our bodies, from all sources of natural background radiation (not including medical sources).
For women and children, the dose is less, in rough proportion to their smaller bodies.
How much radiation is emitted from a human being?.
All of us have a number of naturally occurring, radionuclides within our bodies.
The major one, that produces penetrating gamma radiation, that can escape from the body is a radioactive isotope of potassium, called potassium-40.
This radionuclide has been around, since the birth of the earth, and is present as a tiny fraction of all the potassium in nature.
Potassium-40, (40K), is the primary source of radiation, from the human body for two reasons.
First, the 40K concentration in the body is fairly high.
Potassium is ingested in many foods, that we eat and is a critically important element, for proper functioning of the human body;
it is present in pretty much all the tissues of the body.
The amount of the radioactive isotope 40K in a 70-kg person is about 5,000 Bq, which represents 5000 atoms undergoing radioactive decay each second.
the becquerel (Bq) is the unit of radioactivity.
One Bq is 1 disintegration per second (dps).
Second, 40K emits gamma rays, in a little over 10 percent of its decays, and most of these gamma rays escape the body.
A gamma ray is emitted in, about one out of every 10 disintegrations of 40K, implying that about 500 gamma rays are produced each second.
These will be moving in all directions, some will be attenuated in the body, and the dose rate from these gamma rays, outside of the individual's body will represent, a very small fraction of the normal background dose rate, from all natural sources outside the body.
If a person is above average in weight, the dose rate outside of this person's body will expectedly be, higher than the dose outside the body of, a lower-weight individual.
In both cases, however, the dose rate will be extremely small, compared to the normal background dose rate.
The heavier person will receive a greater internal dose, because the decay of the 40K, produces other low-penetrating radiation, (beta radiation), that deposits its energy within the body.
However, the dose to the heavier individual will not be significantly different, from that to the lower-weight individual, because the energy deposited per unit body mass is the dose-determining factor, and this will be about the same for both individuals.
There are many other radionuclides in the human body, but these either are present at lower levels than 40K,
(for example, 238U, 232Th, and their decay products), or they do not emit gamma rays that can escape the body
(for example, 14C, and 87Rb).
Radon, (and its decay products) is not a significant source of radiation from humans, because it is present at very low levels in the body.
There is one other very minor mechanism by which the human body acts as a source of radiation:
some of the gamma rays emitted by the radionuclides in the environment, interact with the atoms in our bodies, by what is known as the photoelectric effect.
The result is the emission of x rays by these atoms.
The Human Voice in the Universe or the Space or the outside planet Earth.
No, a human voice does not move in the universe or the Space or the outside planet Earth.
The Sound does not travel in the universe or the Space or the outside planet Earth.
The Sound waves travel, through vibrations in a medium, like air or water or solid, and cannot travel through empty space.
In the universe or the Space or the outside planet Earth, there are no atoms or molecules to carry sound waves, so there is no sound.
The Sound waves lose, energy over time.
As they travel through a medium, causing them to get quieter, and quieter until they disappear.
The Sound waves are reflected, by mediums.
Like walls, pillars, and rocks, which is known as an echo.
Can you hear sound in space.
No, you cannot hear any sounds, in near-empty regions of the space.
The Sound travels, through the vibration of atoms, and molecules in a medium, (such as air or water or solid).
In the universe or the Space or the outside planet Earth, where there is no air, sound has no way to travel.
Is it possible, to send messages, through brain waves of the human?.
Technical telepathy is the best method.
The electrical nature of the brain allows, not only for sending of signals, but also for the receiving of electrical pulses.
These can be delivered, in a non-invasive way, using a technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).
What is the highest brain wave in Humans?.
Gamma brain waves are the fastest brain waves, produced inside human brain.
Although, they can be hard to measure accurately, they tend to measure above 35 Hz, and can oscillate as fast as 100 Hz.
Human brain tends to produce gamma waves.
How to measure brain activity in humans.
The Human Brain, is difficult to study, not only, because of its inherent complexity;
The billions of neurons, the hundreds or thousands of types of neurons, the trillions of connections.
The Human Brain, also works at a number of different scales, both in the physical sense and in the time domain.
To understand, the human brain’s electrical activity at these scales, no single technology is enough.
As a result, neuroscientists have a suite of tools, at their disposal.
Some of these, such as fMRI and EEG, can be used in humans, because they are non-invasive; they work through, by looking into the skull, But, these tools suffer, from a lack of detail.
To get a more microscopic picture, of neuron activity, researchers turn to human models.
This allows the behaviour of individual neurons, or small groups of neurons, to be analysed in much greater detail.
The main Questions, for which this mission exists.
1. The Human Mouth, and The Human Ears are having, fixed distances, and standard range.
2. The Sound speed is, only 343 meter per second.
3. The Diameter of the Planet Earth, is 12756 killometer, that is 1 crore, 27 lakh, 56 thousand, Meter.
4. How, these Voices or Sounds or Noises are listening, at the same time, that is simultaneously, in every corner.
5. How, these Voices or Sounds or Noises are listening, by each & every People, inside all the countries of whole world.
6. How, these Voices or Sounds or Noises are listening, by Peoples, in the universe or Space or outside planet Earth, where no air.
7. Why, these Voices or Sounds or Noises are unknown, generating source.
8. Nobody knows, from where generating, these Voices or Sounds or Noises.
9. First Conclusion is, there is no role of, Human Mouth, and Human Ears.
10. Only one body part, Human Brain is not having, fixed distances, or standard range.
11. The Human Brain is, no clear boundary, for what, it is capable of.
12. The Human Brain will hold, up to 1 quadrillion pieces of information, That is, 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 pieces of information. Till now, no body has confirmed about human brain's storage capacity.
13. Second Conclusion is, there is definitely role of the Human Brain, it is the last option.